Ela! Yalla! Come dance!

Tsiftiteli Drills & Combos

A self-paced class series in the tradition and art of tsiftiteli

Blooming from the lands of greater Anatolia, Greece, and Cyprus, Tsiftiteli is a dance woven through song and stories. Its movements are inspired by the ocean, the olive trees and the fire in the hearts of the people of these places.

Inside Tsiftiteli Drills & Combos, students will connect to this dance’s history and stories while building a foundational & embodied practice.


We will begin our series with an orientation to Tsiftiteli and its history and explore this dance style over five weeks of virtual classes.

All classes are 75-minute long, pre-recorded sessions. Students will also be given a playlist for the 5-week session and resources to learn more about the history of the dance.

Course Overview




ABOUT your teacher Myrto

I have been dancing many different styles of so-called belly dance for 12 years. I first heard Roza Eskenazi when I was 19, and I learned old school Tsiftiteli with her voice guiding me.

Growing up, my Greek family would mostly dance traditional circle dances at gatherings. Of course, some members would twirl their wrists and bump their hips to the sky, the simple, yet beautiful Tsiftiteli we all love!

I was mostly self-taught in Tsiftiteli style until I found my teacher Athena Najat. Based in Turkey, Athena is a Greek-American dancer who has studied Tsiftiteli and created beautiful renditions of our dance in her career!

For me, dancing is as essential as breathing or drinking water. I can’t live without it! It brings me ultimate peace, and joy and challenges me to keep growing! It is such a pleasure to share what I know and watch dance touch people’s lives in beautiful, uplifting ways.

Filakia! (Kisses)




Pay in Full
One time

✓ Lifetime access
✓ Over 5 hours of video dance classes
✓ Additional resources & materials to support your practice
Payment Plan
For 2 months

✓ Lifetime access
✓ Over 5 hours of video dance classes
✓ Additional resources & materials to support your practice
  • "Myrto is such a beautiful conduit and brilliant teacher. I alwas leave readings with a deeper knowledge of self and big questions to work through."


  • "Myrto is my go to astrologer. It's clear from getting a reading with her that she is deeply informed (intellectually and psychically) in the powers of the stars and their influences on us. I particularly like the way she includes mythology in explanations of my birth chart. Spiritual organization is intrinsic to her and she's also just a grounding, beautiful human to talk to and be in the presence of."


  • "I love how Myrto uses mythology and talks about Gods & Goddesses in relation to the planets. I always learn a lot from her and more clearly see where I'm at and how to move forward from her readings."


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You are encouraged to reach out to Myrto at any time throughout this course. Please email her via moonsofaphrodite@gmail.com!

  • Once you purchase the course, you will be taken to the lesson pages. From there you will find videos with accompanying materials. After the course is complete, you can login and review materials at anytime through the Moons of Aphrodite website.

  • You will retain access to the materials of Tsiftiteli Drills & Combos for the lifetime of this course as long as you maintain an active account on our website and the services we use to share this program continue to be online.

  • Due to the online nature of this course, we do not offer refunds.

If you have any other questions, please contact Myrto here.

Learn Tsiftiteli

Dance with us in this self-paced online course, led by Myrto Daskaloudi.